Finding Time To Relax*

Working a full-on 9 to 5 job and then going home to make dinner, do some housework and try to find some time to blog as well, it’s sometimes really hard to switch off and have some me time.

But now I have some beautiful products to help me wind down in the evenings and they just help to make life that little bit easier 🙂

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Share Sized Pots From POLO*

Back in the 90s, I was one of those children who, rather than scoffing chocolate and biscuits, always used to devour a packet of Polos pretty much every day, almost like there was no tomorrow. I always used to keep a packet either in my pocket or in a hand-me-down bag from my mum, which inevitably led to Polos falling out all over the place, getting all dirty with pocket fluff or breaking in the bottom of my bag 🙁

I was also one of those weird kids who used to suck their Polos until they were really, really thin, break a section off and pretend I had my lip pierced by using the POLO® as a lip ring!! Erm… Just me then, yeah?

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Things Not To Say About Chronic Illnesses

For the past 20 years or so, J has felt constantly tired, struggles to concentrate for long periods of time, and generally, his whole body aches with minimal exertion. This has got a lot worse over the past few years and, because he was often in bed at the weekends, I actually started this blog to have a hobby while he was sleeping!

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My First Smear Test Experience

I appreciate it’s not exactly the most fun thing you can do with your time, but I honestly still can’t believe there are people out there who won’t get one done because they don’t like the idea of it. Which sounds ridiculous, because the alternative could be cervical cancer. I’m not going to sugarcoat this; depending how quickly they catch it, having cervical cancer could involve having surgery to remove some or ALL of your womb, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or palliative care (where all they can do is look after you until you die).

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