I bought quite a few new books last year but didn’t get round to reading any of them because I just didn’t feel motivated to. This year however, I’m determined to get back into reading and I’ve even signed up to Goodreads to keep myself on track. I’ve given myself a small target of 10 books š
My Favourite Crime Thriller Authors
It’s not really a secret that I’m a massive fan of crime thriller/psychological thriller books. I have two massive shelves full of them (on my IKEA Billy bookcase, obviously).
My Current To Be Read List*
I’ve never written a blog post like this before; mostly because I’ve never actually had a pile of books that I haven’t read yet; I’m usually a one book at a time girl!!
My Name Is Girl Book Review*
After reading Rosie’s recent post, “Coffee Table Books You Need In Your Life“, I realised that I don’t actually own any coffee table books. Mostly because we’ve only recently bought a coffee table, but it also kind of feels like a proper grown up thing to have in the house, and I wasn’t sure I was ready for that level of commitment to being an adult just yet.