And just like that, April ended and May began! April was lovely as J and I had some annual leave which we spent really productively doing projects round the house. I also treated myself to a couple of new things!
A Chatty Catch-Up | July 2020
July was a pretty good month overall 🙂 I’m still working from home, which has been lovely 🙂 Although lockdown restrictions have eased, we haven’t gone anywhere, apart from the supermarket for our weekly shop. I’m not really in a hurry to go anywhere, although I am missing IKEA!!
A Chatty Catch-Up | June 2020
I’ve now been working at home for the past three months, which is longer than I was working in the office for!! It’s kind of become the new norm but it’s still been a bit of a struggle. I’ve now been referred for CBT therapy to help with my anxiety and I really hope it helps!! June hasn’t been all bad though; I’ve started going out for walks again and had loads of chats with my mum and dad which has really helped!!
A Chatty Catch-Up | October/November 2019
Whoops a daisies!! I kind of forgot to do a catch up for October so I thought I’d combine it with my November catch-up!!
A Chatty Catch-Up | July 2019
Well there goes July 😬😬 We’re now thoroughly into August and it’s my birthday month. Woo!! I’ll be 35 so let’s mention that as little as possible 😂😂
A Chatty Catch-Up | July
Well, we’re well over halfway through the year, this sunshine thing is amazing (despite our grass looking decidedly brown now) and July has been pretty awesome to be honest 😀
A Chatty Catch-Up | March
March has been a bit of a “blink and you’ll miss it” month. It’s also been a bit rubbish if I’m being honest. I feel like my blog is lacking direction at the moment and I don’t know where to take it. I’ve barely blogged at all 🙁 I’ve also not really felt myself and at the beginning of the month I lacked any motivation, boooo!
A Chatty Catch-Up | December
Wow, what a long old year, eh? The first few months seemed super long and the rest, as usual, has absolutely sailed by! I hope you’ve all had a really lovely 2017 but if you haven’t, here’s hoping your 2018 is much better 🙂
A Chatty Catch-Up | November
I actually really like writing these posts as it’s a great way to remind myself what I’ve been up to every month. Sometimes it’s so hard to remember as the months tend to blur into one!! Anyway, I really hope you all enjoy reading them 🙂
A Chatty Catch-Up | October
If you follow me on social media and regularly read my blog, you’ll know that things went a little quiet last month. I decided to take some down-time from blogging to concentrate on some real-life projects I’d been neglecting. Every weekend is usually spent taking blog photos, editing them and proof-reading blog posts for the next week, so it was lovely not to have to worry about any of that for a while.