Stop Snacking With Slissie*

I have a “not so secret” secret. I’m a habitual snacker, especially when I’m at work. I start off doing really well and not succumbing to the 11am biscuit. I dutifully drink loads of water and clap myself on the back for doing so well. I eat my somewhat healthy lunch and usually save a clementine for that 3pm slump.ย 

Then everyone else cracks open the biscuits or the wasabi peanuts (the Lidl ones. I’m totally addicted. They’re called Cruspies!) and my resolve goes out the window. Inevitably, instead of eating one biscuit, I’ll scoff three in rapid succession without even savouring them. I dread to think how many wasabi nuts I munch my way through on a weekly basis.

When I’m at home, we always have chocolate, biscuits, cake and ice cream readily available and I’m shit with portion sizes, so I usually end up eating enough for at least people ๐Ÿ™

So I decided I needed something to help me and Slissie* seemed the the perfect answer; especially for someone like me with absolutely zero willpower. Slissie may look suspiciously like an e-cig, but don’t worry, I promise I’m not substituting one addiction for another ๐Ÿ˜€

Slissie is actually an anti-snacking aid. All you do is screw the flavour pod onto the device, turn it on, press down on the button for a few seconds, let go for a few seconds and have a suck (oo-er missus) to release the flavour (but don’t worry, there’s no vapour). It essentially tricks your brain into thinking you’ve had something to eat, and because they’re all sweet flavours, you’re less likely to crave sugary things.

I got the starter kit which costs ยฃ39.99 and came with the device, a charger and three different flavours. I got theย fruit, supermint and vanilla ones but they also do chocolate, gingerbread and more! You can buy a build your own refill pack for ยฃ12.99 and you can choose whichever three flavours you want ๐Ÿ™‚

The idea is that for 21 days every time you crave snacks or sugary treats, you use the Slissie (up to 5 times a day) and afterwards, you should be able to control your cravings much more easily.

So, here goes. This is the start of my 21 day challenge.

Starting weight: 11st 6lbs.

Day 1 (10th April 2017) – I pop the Slissie in my handbag and go to work. Someone has brought in biscuits and caramel waffles; it’s going to be harder than I thought. I make it through to 3pm and someone cracks open the biscuits and offers them around. I decline, through gritted teeth, and take out my Slissie for a couple of sucks of the supermint. I’m feeling pretty chuffed with myself.

Day 4 (13th April 2017) I’ve suddenly realised that it’s Easter Sunday this weekend. Shit. I’m not sure I have that much willpower, even with the Slissie, to say no to Easter chocolate. Wtf have I done? I decide that I’m going to quit the 21 day challenge and start again after Easter. I know I’m well and truly off the challenge because I go to a Smashbox event and scoff my body weight in Haribos.

My 21 day challenge take two.

Starting weight: 11st 8lbs (stupid Easter. Oh and the bank holiday weekends where J and I went out for two three course meals at The Walrus and Turtle Bay.)

Day 1 (29 May 2017) – This time I’m determined not to give up; no matter what happens! I can do this. I have something to help me so it’s not like I’m going it alone. I pop my Slissie back into my bag ready to start afresh ๐Ÿ™‚ Come 3pm I take out my Slissie and try the vanilla flavour. It tastes really nice and definitely leaves me feeling like I’ve just eaten something.

Day 4 (1 June 2017) – I attend an event at Hove Lagoon with Adventure Connections. They treat us to a BBQ afterwards and I stuff my face with chips and a burger and a half. I feel absolutely stuffed. But it’s okay because it’s not snacks, it’s dinner, right?

Day 9 (6 June 2017) – I make too much dinner and proceed to eat the rest of it in place of pudding. I start feeling a little sick. I’ve definitely eaten too much ๐Ÿ™

Day 11 (8 June 2017) – We have a team meeting at work and the boss brings in carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. I manage to say no and suck quietly on my Slissie in the corner. I’m feeling a little bit proud I can say no ๐Ÿ™‚

Day 13 (10 June 2017) – I finally realise that I’ve been substituting snacks with extra portions of dinner. It’s time to cut down on those portion sizes!

Day 15 (12 June 2017) – I’m off work today. I’ve decided to tidy out some of the wardrobe and found an old pair of jeans from Next in a size 10 and a pair of shorts from Forever 21 in a 29″ waist. I try them on for a laugh. I’m honestly surprised when the jeans fit comfortably and the shorts do up (although slightly less comfortably!)ย I bypass the treat shelf and go for an apple instead. I think I’m making progress here!

Day 18 (17 June 2017) J has bought Phish Food ice cream and I feel a little sad that I can’t eat any because it’s so hot today. He’s also bought a hot chocolate sponge and a cherry pie. I feel less jealous of those. I think perhaps this challenge has finally made me re-evaluate the fact I snack when I’m bored or sad or happy. In fact, I’ve realised I don’t even need an excuse to stuff my face, I do it anyway and now it’s getting easier to not think about snacks and treats. It’s also a lot easier to make smaller portions and not pile too much on my plate!

Day 21 (19 June 2017) – It’s the final day of the challenge. Whilst I’ve learnt a lot over the past few weeks, I don’t think I’d want to give up snacks forever. It’s definitely made me re-evaluate my attitude towards food though and I know that an occasional treat isn’t going to hurt ๐Ÿ™‚

Finishing weight: 11st 1lbs – which isn’t bad for someone who only exercises once a week!

All in all, I’m honestly chuffed with how well I’ve done with this challenge, it started off really hard but as the days progressed, it definitely got easier! I’ve realised don’t need to have snacks every day and an occasional treat is absolutely fine.

Have you ever though about using an aid to help you stop snacking? Let me know in the comments below ๐Ÿ™‚ x

*The Slissie was kindly sent to me to review but views, and love of food, is entirely my own.

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  1. I’m intrigued by this, I’m such a snacker but am really trying to lose the baby weight at the moment, this sounds really handy to have in your bag!
    Hels xx

    1. It’s a really useful tool to have and it’s nice to have it in my bag so I know it’s there if I need it ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  2. That sounds so interesting,
    I’m a sucker for the cookie tin. Forever finding sweet things falling into my mouth ๐Ÿ˜‚ Might have to have a little look at this
    Emily-May x

    1. I’ve definitely changed my attitude now (except when I’m due on lol) and I find it easier to say no or just have one treat ๐Ÿ™‚ x

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