Back in the summer, I wrote a post about the essential items I keep in my bag every day. But now that the cold weather has crept in, I’ve switched to my winter handbag and changed some of the bits and bobs I keep in there.
So here are my essential winter items to help me get through those cold days. And nights!
My lips always get sore, chapped and cracked during winter so I carry two must-have items with me at all times!
Lush mint julips lip scrub – I rub this amazing little product on my lips first. The chocolate minty sugar crystals remove any flaky dead skin and it tastes incredible too! I try not too use it too much so I don’t finish the pot too quickly, but I just can’t help myself! It lasts for absolutely ages and you can pick one up from any Lush store or online.
Carmex lip balm – This is my other essential lip item because it’s amazing at keeping my lips hydrated all day long. It also tastes vaguely of cherries which is lovely and it has SPF 15! It’s available from Boots for £2.69.
My lips aren’t the only thing to get dry and cracked over winter, my hands really take a battering too.
Zoella wonder hand cream – I keep this with me all the time to help keep my hands looking lovely and feeling soft. A little goes a long way and it smells delicious. (Don’t put it in the sun though otherwise all the pretty design on the front will fade!) This gorgeous hand saver was available at Superdrug and Feelunique for £5.50.
Gloves – If I don’t keep gloves in my bag, I tend to forget to take any with me and instantly regret it once I get outside. Since I managed to get my hands on the Zoella Warm Hands Warm Heart Travel Mug and Fingerless Gloves set, I’ve been wearing the gloves for the past few weeks because they’re so warm. The only problem is they’re fingerless so I’ll be switching over to my Tigger mittens soon! The Zoella set was retailing for about £14 in Boots and Waterstones, but it seems as though you can only buy them from eBay, Amazon and places like Depop and Vinted now (for much more than they’re worth!!)
And then there are these essentials that I always hear people moaning that they wish they had on them! So why not grab them and put them in your bag now? You’ll thank me later 😀
Tissues – I hate being that person who’s forever sniffing on the bus, so I keep a little packet of tissues in my bag so I can blow my nose whenever I need to! I’m always tempted to offer them out but I never know how that will be taken 😛
Sunglasses – One of those random items you don’t think you need during the winter, but the sun can be just as blinding as it is in winter! I picked these up in H&M over the summer, they’re gorgeous 😀
What do you keep in your handbag during the winter months? Let me know in the comments below 🙂 x
I couldn’t survive without my lip balm either! I’m currently using the Rose Beauty Balm by Neals’ Yard Remedies as a lip balm and it works a treat! It comes in quite a big pot so I usually just slather my lips in it before heading out as opposed to taking it with me! Also, I’m forever handing out tissues to snifflers on the bus haha!
Abbey 😻
Oooh that sounds good although my lips get dry during the day so I need something with me all the time!
Ahaha wish I was as brave!x
Sunglasses are the must! Esp as a driver. I hate lip scrub. I don’t like bitty lips. I like you though.
Corinne x
Oh god yeah! I don’t drive much any more but they’re essential for the car!
I like bitty lips. And I like you. X
I can’t live without lip balm and hand cream!! Also I have the same Zoella hand cream in my bag 🙂 xx
It smells incredible, doesn’t it? xx
Love how you included sunglasses lol! And yes tissues are definitely so important 🙂
I always get blinded on the bus otherwise! The winter sun is just as bright 🙂 x
Lip balm and hand cream are a must for me in the Winter months! x
So important, aren’t they? I can’t go anywhere without mine! x
That Lush lip scrub looks lovely, I always eat them in the bath though so I’ve stopped buying them haha. – Amy x
You eat them in the bath?? Ahahaha, that’s funny 😀 xx
Lip balm is definitely a must for me during the winter too, my lips get sooo dry! Great post
I can’t do without lip balm, my lips get really dry too!