A Chatty Catch-Up | February

Oh jeez, where to start with February??  Well, I spent the first two weeks of it off work, feeling incredibly dizzy and sick!!  I was in bed for most of the mornings with the TV on quietly as a distraction, then had a quick shower and flumped on the sofa with a blanket for the afternoons; Dog Rescuers with Alan Davies has become one of my new favourite shows!!

I did manage to get to Asda though as we’d run out of bread and milk 🙁 I accidentally picked up a copper tealight holder and some flowers for myself!  I also bought this cute cactus dish and the spotty mug online!!

Because I was ill, I missed my best friend’s party to celebrate her little boy turning 3 and saying goodbye to the house that I helped her move into in London as she’s moving soon!!  I also missed going out for dinner with Abi and Rachael 😭😭😭😭 but as Abi was ill too, we put our plans on hold for the following week!

Once I felt better and was back at work, I was really looking forward to seeing Alice in Southampton, finally getting our selfie and meeting Joshua, but unfortunately travel chaos meant we had to put our plans on hold.  Luckily we’ve rearranged for next month and I’m determined to get there this time (barring the snow issues!)

For pancake day, J and I make the decision we were going to have waffles instead, as we both prefer them!  They were absolutely delicious and we topped ours with chocolate ice cream and maple syrup!!

Valentine’s Day was pretty quiet in our house as we’d decided not to celebrate this year.  Saying that though, I still came home to two Terry’s chocolate oranges, a Toblerone and a box of Terry’s All Gold!!  You might notice I said two chocolate oranges and there’s only one … We scoffed one before I thought to take a pic lol

I got to have my dinner out with Abi and Rachael at Street Thai, I wrote about post about it!  It was so lovely having a catch up, we always have a fab time 🙂

I went up to London to see Sarah and say bye to her house.  We had a lovely time catching up and I got treated to a fish finger sandwich with chips!!

Blogwise, it’s been a bit quiet as I wasn’t really able to blog while I was off sick because looking at the computer screen made me feel sick.  Luckily I had a couple of posts waiting to go!!  I did get a couple of fab opportunities though, I was sent a Latest in Beauty box to try, so it was lovely having a nice parcel to go through, especially as I’d forgotten what I’d ordered!!  You can read my post about it here.

I was also sent this absolutely beautiful watch from Time Chain; the sister company of STORM.  I knew I had pick this rose gold and grey watch as it’s absolutely beautiful!!  If you’re in Brighton and pop to the Storm shop in Bond Street, you can get 20% off all Time Chain watches until the end of March with my code Holly20 ♥

Lastly, I’m not sure if you knew but it snowed!!  I absolutely love the snow if I have nowhere to be, but I had to get to work.  One slippery journey to the bus stop and it was all good!!

Don’t forget to check out my wonderful advertiser; Kathleen.  Kathleen is a premium skincare brand with a passion for all things natural and organic.  They have an incredible range of products and I’ve reviewed the Illuminating Serum, the Sonic Facial Cleanser and their brand new shower gels and body oils!

How was your February?  Did you do anything nice?  Did you get stuck in the snow?  Let me know in the comments below 🙂 x

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  1. I loved the snow! Thankfully it didn’t mess my plans up too much, otherwise I might have had different feelings about it. Haha. Hope you’re feeling better now!

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling better, I have to say your waffles look absolutely amazing – I am so jealous! Feb went so quick i can’t believe we are in the 3rd month already haha.
    Jess xx

  3. Those waffles look so gooooood. As does that chocolate orange. I’m glad you’re feeling better now! Also, wait, what? It’s snowing?! I battled my way into office for a few days but had to work from home today, and Dougie’s nursery is closed tomorrow, though he is completely indifferent towards the snow, so I’m not sure how he’ll feel about a snowy baby playdate!
    Lots of love xxx

    1. Thank you, I love waffles!! Yeah, I know right?!? It’s not so bad at the moment, but it’s meant to be the big snowfall tonight!! xxx

  4. Good Golly Miss Holly, why do you tease me with such delicious looking food, those waffles look amazing, I’m right behind Saira on the way to get waffles 😍 I think I blinked and missed February, glad to hear you are feeling better now. Be careful in the snow, blimey I remember that big slope to your house, no wonder you had a fall. Give my love to Bear xxxx

    1. I’m sorry, the waffles were delicious though 😀 😀 Luckily it was only the little bit from the bottom of the steps and not right from the top!! Will do if you give my love to Pepper xxxxx

  5. February has certainly zoomed by.. Good to hear your now feeling better. Love how you accidentally picked up a copper tealight holder and some flowers thats definitely relatable (I don’t think I should be trusted to go to a supermarket by myself so days )

  6. Ah I loved this post of yours babe – was so nice to see a round up of your month ! So glad I know where that cactus tray is from ! You’ve really made me crave waffles now ! And that watch is stunning!
    sairasays.co.uk xxx

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