Wafflemeister | Brighton*

Wafflemeister is Brighton’s newest (and family-run franchise) delight; selling sweet and savoury waffles and crepes along with a healthy dose of gelato. Situated at the top of West Street, it’s perfect for tourists heading down to the beach or locals wanting to refresh after a hard morning’s shopping.

I went down to the opening to check it out with some other bloggers and press and damn they put on a good spread!

I started off with a virgin mojito, partly because they don’t have an alcohol licence and partly because I hear good things (from Zoella, she’s always raving about virgin mojitos. On her blog. Not in real life. We’ve never met) and I’ve never had one. It was pretty good for my first one; very minty!

Virgin Mojito.jpg

We were given a selection of savoury waffles to try; including smoked salmon and cream cheese (my personal fave), couscous and pizza.

Savoury Waffles.jpg

We were also invited to try some of the savoury crepes on offer. If you’re a meat-eater, I highly recommend the New Yorker. It was amazing. It has pastrami, mustard, spinach, cheese and dill pickles in. It definitely has the taste of New York!

New Yorker crepe.jpg

After a short break, we got to try some of the sweet waffles; check out the Marshamallow Surprise!


Just when we thought we couldn’t eat any more, out came the gelato! But of course, in true blogger fashion, we had to take copious photos first, so they all started melting!


I would absolutely, definitely and completely recommend you take a trip to Wafflemeister, especially the one in Brighton! The staff were so helpful and friendly. When I asked if I could take a leftover waffle for J, they insisted that they made a brand new one as they’d all been sitting out on the table for a while <3

What would you have on your waffle? Let me know in the comments below 🙂 x

*I was invited by the venue to review but all views are my own.

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    1. I’m really into the savoury ones at the moment, I popped in last night and grabbed a marmite, spinach, tomato and mozzarella crepe! It was delicious 🙂

  1. OMG I am drooling over these waffles! I need to go to Brighton ASAP. My favorite waffle topping would be: strawberries, cream, and a generous drizzle of chocolate sauce : P
    Steph x.

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