Well, what a bloody year these past 3 months have been, right?? This year has felt so unbelievably long already and we’re only at the end of March!! If you’re a blog regular, you might have noticed that I haven’t done a catch-up post since December, so I thought I’d catch you all up on the past three months!
Curry Leaf Cafe Review | Brighton*
The Curry Leaf Cafe* in Brighton is celebrating its fifth birthday this year and, to celebrate, they’ve recently undergone a massive refurbishment of the Ship Street branch!! I headed over there last week to check it, and their lunch menu, out 🙂
A Chatty Catch-Up | September 2019
Well shit, this is a bit late, isn’t it? I seemed to have not only lost my blogging motivation, but all motivation in general recently. It’s probably due to the fact that I’ve recently changed my hours at work so I’m now cramming a full-time job into 4 days and it’s been a bit of an adjustment to say the least!! I really love having Fridays off, but being at work for 10 hours a day? Not so much!
Artbox Cafe x Pusheen | Brighton
A couple of weekends ago, my friend Rachael and I decided to check out the Brighton Artbox cafe, the UK’s first dedicated character themed cafe. The current theme is Pusheen which I think is staying until the end of October, before a new character comes along!
Mercure Hotel Review | Brighton*
A while ago, the lovely people at Mercure got in touch and asked if I fancied staying in their Brighton hotel with a plus one. Whilst I would have loved J to come with me, he wasn’t feeling up to it, so I knew that one of my best friends, Charlie, would be the perfect choice to come and check it out with me 😀
As she lives in London, we decided to make a day of it, shopping in Brighton first, before enjoying a complementary three course meal in the hotel’s restaurant, then relaxing in our room while doing some serious lazing around and TV watching!
The Queensbury Coffee House | Hove*
Recently Sammy, Mr Biscuit (her gorgeous miniature Daschund puppy) and I headed to Barker and Stonehouse in Hove on a rainy Saturday afternoon for a mooch around, a long over-due catch-up and to check out their new coffee house (situated upstairs at the back).
La Cave A Fromage | Hove*
La Cave a Fromage is somewhere I’ve been past on the bus many times and have always wanted to go in and try. Recently, I finally got my wish and I headed there with my lovely friend Tania for their fondue night and a long over-due catch-up!
The Ivy In The Lanes | Brighton*
To be honest, there’s nothing more exciting than being invited for food, especially when it happens to be at the newly opened The Ivy In The Lanes*, in Ship Street, Brighton. I’ve seen a few pics from the opening night and I couldn’t wait to go and see it for myself!!
Street Thai | Brighton
A couple of days ago, I met up with some friends for a very long overdue catch-up!! I’ve been really hankering for some good Thai food, so we decided we were going to go along to Street Thai (in Brighton Square, which is in The Lanes); I’ve been before and absolutely loved it!
Señor Buddha | Brighton*
Due to J’s chronic fatigue, we don’t often indulge in date nights any more, but when Señor Buddha got in touch and asked if we wanted to sample their menu, we dressed up and headed over; J wore a smart shirt and did his hair and I wore a dress!