A Chatty Catch-Up | September 2019

Well shit, this is a bit late, isn’t it? I seemed to have not only lost my blogging motivation, but all motivation in general recently. It’s probably due to the fact that I’ve recently changed my hours at work so I’m now cramming a full-time job into 4 days and it’s been a bit of an adjustment to say the least!! I really love having Fridays off, but being at work for 10 hours a day? Not so much!

I’m not sure I really did a huge amount in September because I struggled to remember anything about it, but here goes anyway!!


You might have already seen my post on it, but my friend Rachael and I went to the Pusheen cafe in Brighton to try out their sundaes! If you’re tempted to go, it’s definitely worth reading my post first!! The Pusheen theme is only around for a while, so if you want to check it out, you’d best hurry before the theme changes!!


I didn’t really buy much last month, but I did pick up a few pins (what a surprise!!)

I bought two gorgeous pins from Dorkface; the “shoot for the moon” and the “let’s get lost” ones πŸ™‚ I absolutely love them, her pins are always beautiful! The little seagull pin with the chip in its mouth came from Barbary Lane in Kemptown (Brighton) and I got it because I thought it perfectly sums up Brighton πŸ˜€ The “I’m so orcaward” pun pin came from Hello Dodo, they have so many great designs but I loved this one lol


As usual blogging has been way down on the priority list, which is a shame because I absolutely love blogging! I’ve definitely struggled to find time to write and take photos as working 4 days a week (10 hours a day) has been a bit manic!!

I did go for the loveliest massage at Phoenix Spa in Brighton for a complimentary massage last month though and I wrote a blog post about my experience πŸ™‚

I also received this lovely parcel from Poa Poa* and I can’t wait to let you know my thoughts on the products πŸ™‚

Home and garden:

I was really happy this month because my Japanese anemones bloomed for the first time in about 4 years!! When we had the garden landscaped, we saved them and put them in pots, but they hate being moved so the leaves have been growing but not the flowers. I adore them so much, they’re actually my favourite flower!

Finally, don’t forget to check out my amazing September advertiser:

Kathleen Natural is a premium skin care brand, based in the UK, who have a passion for all things natural and organic.

They have an incredible range of products and I’ve reviewed the Illuminating Serum, the Sonic Facial Cleanser and their brand new shower gels and body oils on my blog πŸ™‚

They’re also on Twitter and Instagram as well 🌸🌸🌸

What did you get up to last month? Are you a fan of autumn? Let me know in the comments below πŸ™‚ x

*These were kindly sent to me to review.

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