Favourite Instagram Accounts | Part Four

I’ve run out of inspiration and time for writing blog posts at the moment, but I should be back up and running properly very soon (I have loads of half-written posts I want to finish and publish!!).

In the meantime, as I’m spending a lot more time over on Instagram, I thought I’d share some more of my favourite accounts that I absolutely love!!

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Favourite Instagram Accounts | Part Three

I haven’t done one of these for absolutely ages; in fact, the last time was March 2016 (Check out parts one and two)!  I now follow so many more accounts now than when I first started doing this and it seems that everyone has massively upped their games!!  I thought I’d share 10 accounts that I’m absolutely loving at the moment 🙂

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Cleaning Up My Instagram Feed

Around the new year, I decided I really wanted to streamline my Instagram account. I don’t mean my own photos however (although perhaps I should delete some of the really rubbish ones!), I mean the accounts that I follow and the photos I end up seeing on my feed. Although doing this hasn’t exactly beaten the algorithm, I am finally seeing a lot of different accounts when I have a scroll through 😊

So how did I do it?

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