Sleek All The Fun Of The Fair Palette

This Sleek palette post has been sitting in my drafts for absolutely ages, mostly because I wanted to take some photos which would do absolute justice to it but I wasn’t happy with any of the photos I took; they just didn’t look right. Does anyone else ever have that problem?

Which killed me to be honest because I’ve been absolutely dying to try out this palette! The pastel shades are so pretty and I’ve never really owned a palette with similar shades before β€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’œ

I also love the packaging that the All The Fun Of The Fair palette comes in; it makes me think of candy floss, ice cream and having lots of fun with friends playing at the fun fair πŸ˜€

Sleek packaging.jpg

Thinking about the packaging then produced a proper facepalm moment. I live in Brighton; probably one of most perfect places to take photos for this palette!! So, I headed down to Brighton Pier, armed with my camera and the palette, to see if I could get some fab shots!

As usual, Sleek have come up with some amazing names for their colours; Carousel, Teacups, Hook-A-Duck and Hall Of Mirrors and the palette has the usual mix of mattes and shimmers.

I asked the very nice man on the Hook-A-Duck stall if I could get this shot, he must have thought I was a right weirdo (so obviously I told him it was for an art project, lols).


Despite being pastel shades, the colours are really pigmented. I was so excited to swatch this, although I left it a bit late in the day, so the colours didn’t show up on camera as quite as well as they appeared in ‘real life’. I think my favourite shades are Loop-The-Loop, Ferris Wheel and Dodgems!

All The Fun Of The Fair is one of their limited edition palettes but you can still pick it up from the Sleek website for Β£8.99 (plus P&P – prices and availability correct at the time of post being published.)

Sleek Palette carousel.jpg

What do you think of the palette? Are you a pastel shade fan or now that it’s A/W, are you all about the dark colours? Let me know in the comments below πŸ™‚ x

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  1. So many gorgeous shades! It definitely gives me a ‘day at the funfair’ feel, especially with the names of the shades. I think if I had this I would use it much more in Spring & Summer. Xx

    Tania | When Tania Talks

    1. I did! Guess who managed to delete all the other photos though? They were the only ones that survived lol. Yeah they’re gorgeous aren’t they? X

    1. Yes!! All the beauty blogger struggles! I’m glad you liked the pics 😊 Oh I definitely recommend them. I love Sleek eyeshadows, they’re so gorgeous!

  2. Oh this looks lovely! I have one of their older bright palettes and I literally never wear it because the colours are so bright they don’t go with anything. This one looks perfect though as it’s still colourful but much more wearable!

    Nicola //

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