Finding Time To Relax*

Working a full-on 9 to 5 job and then going home to make dinner, do some housework and try to find some time to blog as well, it’s sometimes really hard to switch off and have some me time.

But now I have some beautiful products to help me wind down in the evenings and they just help to make life that little bit easier 🙂

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My Five Favourite Easy Hairstyles*

There’s nothing worse in the summer than making an effort with your hair, only for the weather to play havoc with your locks. My hair used to go a bit Monica in the humidity, but now I find it just goes limp and lifeless, I wonder if that happens as you get older? 🙁

To stop my hair from looking boring and flat this summer, I’ve been using the John Frieda Luxurious Volume shampoo, Luxurious Volume conditioner and the Luxurious Volume in-shower treatment* to help my hair out.

I’ve also been experimenting a bit more with different looks, rather than just shoving it in a ponytail, so here are my top easy hairstyles 🙂

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August Advertiser 2017

August really has been a ridiculously exciting month for me. I started a new job that I’m absolutely loving, J and I took a couple of trips to IKEA to buy some new furniture and bits for the house (most of which we’ve put up already), I’ve caught up with loads of friends and also celebrated my birthday!! The beginning of August also saw the start of me offering business advertising on the blog, so I’m going to introduce my fabulous August advertiser!

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Staying Safe In The Sun*

This summer I’ve been in the garden quite a lot. Unfortunately not sunbathing and relaxing, but digging holes and building walls. Oh, and that one day where me, J and my brother attempted to have a BBQ and it wouldn’t stop spitting with rain but we stayed out anyway because we’re quintessentially British 😀

It’s also been a really weird couple of weeks where the weather has been really humid with loads of cloud and not much actual sunshine.

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Kathleen Facial Sonic Cleansing Device Review*

I’ve always wanted to try an electronic face cleanser but, if I’m being totally honest, I’ve always been scared to spend that much money on something I’m not sure I’d use all the time! Plus the fact that some of them look downright scary with overly complicated instructions and they recommend that you should buy the company’s own brand special cleanser to use with it (which always costs a lot!) and then some just look remarkably like “intimate massagers”!

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