Brightening Up My Summer*

I’m absolutely rubbish at dressing for summer; because most of my clothes are black. Or very dark. So this year I’ve been trying really hard to brighten up up my look for the summer months and it’s been making me feel super happy!! Here’s what I’ve bought (so far!)

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Outfit Of The Day #5 | H&M And A Dark Lip

It’s been absolutely ages since I went and bought myself lots of new clothes. Partly because I’ve never really liked shopping (as I never know what size I’ll be in any given shop) and partly because I seem to have been losing a bit of weight recently (yay for pole fitness and my new hobby; hula hooping!) and I didn’t want to have to buy even more clothes in a couple of months’ time.

But while in Brighton a few weeks ago I popped into H&M and picked up a few bits! I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t get any of the jeans I wanted in store, so I had a look on their website and while they were having a 10% off and free delivery week, I picked up my first two pairs of skinny jeans! OMG!

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Sleek Eau La La Liner Review

Because I’m still pretty new to experimenting with makeup, I somehow seem to own pretty much every eyeliner type there is; I have gel, pencil, liquid and pen eyeliners. If you can name it, I’ve got it and tried it because I’m still searching for that one eyeliner I can use easily without getting frustrated because it’s coming out wrong.

Some I’ve loved and some I’ve really hated. Maybe one day I’ll do a post on the ones I really didn’t like and why.

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