I’ve been feeling a bit “meh” of late, so when I was recently tagged by the lovely Lyndsay over at Fizzy Peaches to write a 10 things that me happy post, I figured it would be good for me to take time out to remember there are still things out there that make me happy and make me smile 🙂
My Valentine’s Day Makeup
I know this post is a little bit late, but I’ve been really good at scheduling posts recently and I didn’t wanna go messing it all up!
Valentine’s Day was pretty uneventful in our house; J and I watched The X-Files, cuddled up on the sofa and scoffed loads of Quality Streets 🙂
10 Little Things That Make Me Happy | Part One
Sometimes it’s just little things in life that make me smile or make me really happy 🙂
The Christmas Tag
So as I’m still in an inspiration blackhole, I thought I’d join the festive cheer and answer the Christmas Tag questions from This, Tatt and The Other 🙂
A Catch Up
It’s been a manic couple of months for me, so I thought I’d catch you up on what’s been going on. We had our garden completely landscaped which took two months to complete; it was a massive project which required hiring in the professionals! I’ll do a separate post on that soon as the before and after photos are immense! Here’s a quick sneak peek of the before!