Cleaning Up My Instagram Feed

Around the new year, I decided I really wanted to streamline my Instagram account. I don’t mean my own photos however (although perhaps I should delete some of the really rubbish ones!), I mean the accounts that I follow and the photos I end up seeing on my feed. Although doing this hasn’t exactly beaten the algorithm, I am finally seeing a lot of different accounts when I have a scroll through 😊

So how did I do it?

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No-Follow Links Explained

Even though there are quite a few posts out there regarding no-follow links, I still see loads of people posting on blogging forums asking what they are, how to use them, why you should use them and what happens if you don’t.

So I’m going to explain it in my own Holly style of writing and hope to hell I make some sort of sense! You might want to go and make a cuppa before I start…

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My Top Blogging Tips

Since I started blogging 6 months ago, I hope I’ve improved and my content is better thought out. Sometimes ideas spend weeks in the drafts folder until I can find the right words or take the right photos.

Since August, I’ve  spent time reading blog posts and various comments on Twitter about how to be a better blogger, or sometimes, what pisses bloggers off about other bloggers.

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