Printing Photos With Printiki*

Since the invention of digital cameras, phone cameras and uploading pics straight to Facebook or Instagram, I miss the old-fashioned excitement of using up a roll of film, taking it into a shop, waiting for it to be developed and see how great (or awful) the pictures I took were.

I have hundreds of printed photos from my childhood and teen years and even made a couple of lovely scrapbooks out of them to remember all the fun times I had, but I don’t really print out photos anymore and that makes me sad.

Photos are there to capture the best moments, the happy moments and, as I look round our house, J and I have TWO, yes two whole photos of us out on display in frames. Yet on Google Plus and Facebook there are so many photos of the two of us, and loads of photos of me with my friends, so I decided to get a few of my favourite photos printed out so they can be displayed in our home 🙂

I used Printiki* to order myself some prints and to be honest, it couldn’t have been easier. First I chose what sort of photos I wanted. They had so many options to choose from; standard sized prints (6 inches x 4 inches), massive prints, whole books or even quirky posters. I opted for the 4 inch x 4 inch Polaroid-looking ones where you can add your own little captions underneath to remember dates or other details about the photos 🙂

It was so fun choosing which photos to put on them and there were many places where I could upload photos from, like; my computer, Instagram, Facebook, Google+ and more! I loved the fact there were so many options as I have photos scattered across the internet 😀

Once I’d chosen my photos, I had the option to zoom in or out (which is fab because a lot of the photos uploaded were really zoomed in and had cropped loads of bits out, like people’s face), rotate the pics and add the text to the bottom.  A word of advice though, the more text you add, the smaller it becomes, so I opted for simple things like “Disneyland, Paris Feb 14” etc.

When you’re happy with your pics, it’s time to get them printed ♥

It took me a while to decide what I wanted to do with them as I didn’t really want to stick them in an album and forget about them, so I decided to make some really cheap bunting! I bought some teeny tiny pegs with little love hearts on them from AliExpress and found some string at home. I then tied each end round some nails we already had in the walls in the lounge (from a large mirror we took down) and added some of my fave pics!

Left to right: I love this pic of me and Matthew (my best friend’s son), he’s just so cute. Then there’s me and J at Disneyland Paris which brings back lovely memories. Next is a pic of me finally getting the swan move in pole class and a pic of me, Mum and Dad at Christmas on the Isle of Wight last year ♥

Left to right: J took this adorable pic of Bear all stretched out in the duvet and I had to include it. The next pic is a rarity, it’s me, Mum, Dad and all my brothers and sisters in the same room at the same time (for the first time in about 15 years!!) This pic of me and my best friend S makes me smile as she was pregnant in the pic with her son but we had no idea! Lastly I chose a pic of me and J at the nightclub we met in ♥

Left to right: Me and J wearing Converse being all Insta. and the next pic is me and Mum in Paris just before I moved out of home ♥

Left to right: I love this pic of me and Dad hanging out, it’s so cute! Then I chose a lovely pic of me and J at Charlie’s wedding (my best friend) and then a pic of me and Charlie together. The last pic on my bunting is me and the lovely Jemma (Dorkface) at the very first Girl Gang Event ♥

Because I chose the 30 pictures option (£8.99), I can swap these pics over as and when I like so I’m always looking at different ones 🙂

If you’re tempted to get your own prints done, you can use my code GCJMJ3RW to get free economy shipping at Printiki ♥

Do you still print out photos? How do you display yours? Let me know in the comments below 🙂 x

*I was kindly sent these pics by Printiki but views and photos are my own.

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  1. I’ve got one photo album filled with photos from my childhood/teen years. Then nothing. I recently made a photo album for my cat though? I’ve filled it with prints from Printiki and Cheerz 😀 I’m a crazy cat lady!

  2. This in such a cute idea, I love having photos around the place, I’ve got a wall hanging mesh frame with some of my favourite photos pinned to it. Aww, even Bear gets a starring role on your bunting 🙂

    Sharon xx

  3. This is so cute. I had something similar a while back but I actually love their posters that they do! It would be super cute to do, like, a Brighton themed one. Or a food themed one for the kitchen. I am inspired!

  4. Those are some really cute photos and I love the way you’ve chosen to display them! I usually print out photos to scrapbook them, although I’ve not done so in a while!

  5. Awh, this is such a cute idea! I have some polaroids lying around but apart from that, my OH and I don’t have many printed photos together. I also love the idea of those heart pegs!

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