A Chatty Catch-Up | September 2020

September was a really quiet month as I didn’t really get up to much. I did get out some of my jumpers though as the weather suddenly turned really cold!

Here’s what I did get up to though!!

What I loved:

When I went to visit my parents at the end of August, my mum sent me home with one of her jigsaw puzzles! My parents and I had spent a few days doing one together last Christmas and it was so much fun!! I took my time with it and completed it over a couple of weeks! It’s a Mike Jupp jigsaw, I love his style of drawing and how there’s always something new to look at in the scene πŸ™‚ This is his I Love Car Boots jigsaw puzzle!

I even had Mr Bear ‘helping’ out at one point!

Because I had so much fun doing this one, I spent the voucher I got when I left my old job on two more jigsaw puzzles!! These ones are by Jan van Haasteren and they have a similar drawing style and busy scenes πŸ™‚ I haven’t started either of them yet though!

When the first Twilight book came out in 2005, I bought it and absolutely loved it. I bought the rest of the books in the saga as they came out (New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn).Β I also watched all the films and had them on DVD.

In 2008, Stephanie Meyer was writing Midnight Sun, the fifth book in the series. Unfortunately the first few chapters got leaked on the internet and Stephanie abandoned the book.

In 2020, after everyone had forgotten about it, she finally published Midnight Sun. It’s essentially Twilight but written from Edward’s perspective!! Even though I’d not read Twilight in years, I knew I had to own it!! I had some money left over from my voucher so I bought it πŸ˜€ I’m only about halfway through at the moment because I didn’t want to race through it in a day!!

I’ve been on loads lovely walks during September. I realised I didn’t leave the house much in August which was affecting my mental health. I’ve been trying to get out at least once a day. I go for walks through the park and often see squirrels playing in the trees πŸ™‚

Finally, don’t forget to check out my amazing advertisers:

Kathleen Natural is a premium skin care brand, based in the UK, who have a passion for all things natural and organic. They have an incredible range of products and I’ve reviewed the Illuminating Serum, the Sonic Facial Cleanser and their brand new shower gels and body oils on my blog πŸ™‚ They’re also on Twitter and Instagram as well 🌸🌸🌸

Problems and Projects is a blog dedicated to conquering challenges in the home! Mrs P&P (plus Mr P&P) lives in a fixer-upper and blogs about DIY tutorials, budgeting, blogging and more!!

You can also find Mrs P&P on Twitter and Facebook!!

What did you get up to in September? Did you do anything exciting? Let me know in the comments below πŸ™‚ x

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  1. Sounds like an absolute lovely month. Its always good to take time to yourself and refresh. How have you found working from home?

    1. Thanks Kathy, how was you month? I’ve found working from home good!! I seem to have found a good work/home balance and I’m on top of cleaning now!! πŸ˜€ xx

  2. Your September sounds lovely, so relaxed and chilled. I love your cat, he’s so cute! And how lucky you were to see the squirrels, I haven’t seen any around our way for ages. xx

    1. Thanks Lisa, he’s pretty adorable πŸ™‚ We often see squirrels in our garden as well, we had one running across the lawn with a sunflower head form next door’s garden lol πŸ™‚ xx

  3. What a lovely, chatty post! I felt like we were on the sofa having a cup of tea! Your September sounded lovely and chilled, which is what I need right now!



  4. I love a good puzzle, especially now the weather is colder – and I’ve also had my jumpers out with the latest cold weather coming in! Tania xx | Tania Michele

  5. Lovely post! Sometimes a quiet month is just what you need and it sounds like you made the best of it!

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