Banana Loaf Recipe Review

I really dislike eating bananas. There, I said it. I hate the smell, the taste and the texture.

That being said though, I love those little foam banana sweets, having blended bananas in my morning smoothies and banana loaf. Recently, I bought way too many bananas and instead of them going to waste, I thought I’d put them to good use and make a banana loaf (with a surprise inside!)

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My Favourite Pancake Recipes

If you’re not aware (and I can’t think why on earth you wouldn’t be, unless you’re not from the UK I suppose), it’s only blimmin’ Pancake Day tomorrow!! WHOOP WHOOP!! As you might have guessed, I’m a bit of a pancake fiend. I just absolutely love pancakes. So I thought in celebration of tomorrow, I’d share two of my favourite pancake recipes that you could try out yourselves!

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