When writing this post, I went through some old posts to see which pins I’d already talked about and found there were loads I hadn’t mentioned. So, this post is going to be a mix of old and new pins!
My Enamel Pin Collection | Part Four
It’s been two years since I first started collecting enamel pins and I think it’s fair to say that my collection has grown massively in that time!!
My Enamel Pin Collection | Part Three
Following on from parts one and two, I now have even more pins in my collection, oops!! I can’t seem to stop buying them! I mostly buy from the UK but occasionally branch out into buying from Europe. I tend not to buy them from the US as the postage usually costs the same, if not more, than the pins!!
My Enamel Pin Collection | Part Two
Back in October last year I wrote a post about my enamel pin collection. Since then I’ve got over a dozen new ones, so I thought I’d share them with you 🙂
My Enamel Pin Collection | Part One
I am thoroughly blaming Brogan Tate for my pin collection 😂😂. Basically, I watched one of her YouTube videos about her pin collection, was absolutely enchanted by it and it really made me want to start collecting my own pins ❤️
A Chatty Catch-Up | July
Well, we’re well over halfway through the year, this sunshine thing is amazing (despite our grass looking decidedly brown now) and July has been pretty awesome to be honest 😀