This month’s favourites post seems a nice mix of beauty and fashion, which is nice as usually my favourites is quite beauty heavy! So here’s what I loved this month 🙂
Outfit Of The Day #5 | H&M And A Dark Lip
It’s been absolutely ages since I went and bought myself lots of new clothes. Partly because I’ve never really liked shopping (as I never know what size I’ll be in any given shop) and partly because I seem to have been losing a bit of weight recently (yay for pole fitness and my new hobby; hula hooping!) and I didn’t want to have to buy even more clothes in a couple of months’ time.
But while in Brighton a few weeks ago I popped into H&M and picked up a few bits! I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t get any of the jeans I wanted in store, so I had a look on their website and while they were having a 10% off and free delivery week, I picked up my first two pairs of skinny jeans! OMG!
Outfit Of The Day #4 | The Topshop Edit
In a previous post, I went to Topshop to try out their personal shopping service, which you can read about here. I said I’d picked up a couple of bits and that I’d do an outfit of the day post so this is what I bought!