Our Garden Renovation | Part One

I’m so excited to finally be able to share this with you all 🙂  Last year J and I took the plunge and invested a hell lot of our money into having our garden completely landscaped.

As you’ll see from the photos, it used to look more like an urban jungle/wilderness than a garden.  A lot of people asked why we didn’t do it ourselves; until they saw pictures of what we’d have to contend with!

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An Appreciation For Art

I always feel that art can really change a house into a home and give it a personal touch. That being said, I’ve never really been in a position to buy art before (I don’t think ripping out posters from magazines really counts to be honest!).

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My First Blog Post

Hey everyone, I’m Holly and I wanted to start a blog so I have somewhere to share my thoughts, reviews and general life updates. I also thought it would be a fantastic place to meet like-minded people.

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