There seems to be loads of blog posts about what everyone’s watching on Netflix right now. I don’t have Netflix though, I have Amazon Prime and no one seems to be talking about what you can watch on there!!
Coconut Lane Discount Code*
That’s the eternal question isn’t it? And actually I have no idea to be honest, is butter a carb? Who knows, who cares, because look how fetch my new print from Coconut Lane is! (Okay, I totally lied, I do care because no, it’s not actually a carb. And I should definitely stop trying to make fetch happen! ~ This will only make sense for any Mean Girl fans out there!)
Our Garden Renovation | Part One
I’m so excited to finally be able to share this with you all 🙂 Last year J and I took the plunge and invested a hell lot of our money into having our garden completely landscaped.
As you’ll see from the photos, it used to look more like an urban jungle/wilderness than a garden. A lot of people asked why we didn’t do it ourselves; until they saw pictures of what we’d have to contend with!
An Appreciation For Art
I always feel that art can really change a house into a home and give it a personal touch. That being said, I’ve never really been in a position to buy art before (I don’t think ripping out posters from magazines really counts to be honest!).
My First Blog Post
Hey everyone, I’m Holly and I wanted to start a blog so I have somewhere to share my thoughts, reviews and general life updates. I also thought it would be a fantastic place to meet like-minded people.