A few months ago, Rosie, Katie and myself were discussing ideas on where to go after we’d had our fun day out at Wood’s in Worthing. We knew that we definitely wanted something food related and somewhere pretty for loads of cute outfit shots!!
Yearly Roundup | 2016
Rather than doing a December favourites, I thought I’d do a general round-up of my year and share some of the lovely things that happened to me in 2016 (most of them blog-related!) 🙂
Coconut Lane Discount Code*
That’s the eternal question isn’t it? And actually I have no idea to be honest, is butter a carb? Who knows, who cares, because look how fetch my new print from Coconut Lane is! (Okay, I totally lied, I do care because no, it’s not actually a carb. And I should definitely stop trying to make fetch happen! ~ This will only make sense for any Mean Girl fans out there!)