Personal Shopping At Topshop | Brighton*

I have been known, on occasion, to be a stubborn little sausage. That being said, I’m also willing to admit when I’m wrong. And you’re possibly wondering where the hell am I going with this…

Well for years I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Topshop; on the one hand, it’s always full of (in my mind) stick-thin giggly kids wearing cropped tops, they sell alternative band tees to people who don’t have the slightest idea who the bands are, and gold scars because there are “flaws worth fighting for”. W the actual F?

On the other hand, I often walk past with a sense that I wish I was cool enough to shop there and look good in the clothes! But once you hit your 30s, places like Topshop kinda seem off-limits. Amiright?

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Big Blogger Expo 2016

Two weeks ago I met up with the brilliant Aine (Honestly Aine) in London and we made our way to the Danubis Hotel in Regent’s Park for the Big Blogger Expo 2016. (Although we obviously stopped at 221B Baker Street too, because it would be rude not to!)

The Big Blogger Expo was set up by Lauren from Blonde Vision (who also runs Ldnmeetup) and it’s a great way to network with brands and bloggers.

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Outfit Of The Day #1 | A Good Winter Coat

I’m pretty sure that fashion posts and outfits of the day won’t be a regular feature on my blog. I have no idea about what looks good, what shape I am and which colours go together well, but I absolutely love my new coat and wanted to share how pretty it is with you all!! 🙂

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