Creating Space At Home*

Last week I wrote a post about staying safe while doing DIY round the house (you can read it here if you missed it), this week I wanted to chat about some really easy DIY projects you can do round the home.

At the moment we have several issues with trying to make our house look homely (in my eyes anyway):

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Staying Safe Doing DIY*

If you read my blog a lot, you might have seen I wrote a post recently about some of the home goals I want to achieve this year (if you’re new to the blog, then hi, and you can catch up here). I’m looking forward to getting started on the projects I have (you know, once the weather gets better); except for one major flaw in my plan. I’m so clumsy. And until I moved in with J, I wasn’t particularly savvy at staying safe while attempting DIY projects! But he’s taught me a hell of a lot in the last three years.

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Our Garden Renovation | Part One

I’m so excited to finally be able to share this with you all 🙂  Last year J and I took the plunge and invested a hell lot of our money into having our garden completely landscaped.

As you’ll see from the photos, it used to look more like an urban jungle/wilderness than a garden.  A lot of people asked why we didn’t do it ourselves; until they saw pictures of what we’d have to contend with!

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My Ultimate At Home Facial

Typical really, isn’t it? It was one of my oldest friend’s weddings last weekend and my face decided to break out in spots. This meant using more makeup than usual to hide said spots and now my face looks even worse! I’m also really tired as the wedding was a 5 hour drive away (although my boyfriend and I stayed in a hotel for the weekend, it was still a lot of travelling!) I have a treatment routine I use whenever I feel my face really needs it and whenever I feel a bit run down which I thought I’d share with you 🙂

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