My Guilty Pleasures

In a world where we’re constantly striving towards perfection, sometimes it’s nice to shrug off the chains of society and indulge in what we’ve all come to think of as “guilty pleasures”. You know, the things you love doing but wouldn’t usually admit to unless you’ve had two glasses of prosecco!

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Personal Shopping At Topshop | Brighton*

I have been known, on occasion, to be a stubborn little sausage. That being said, I’m also willing to admit when I’m wrong. And you’re possibly wondering where the hell am I going with this…

Well for years I’ve had a love/hate relationship with Topshop; on the one hand, it’s always full of (in my mind) stick-thin giggly kids wearing cropped tops, they sell alternative band tees to people who don’t have the slightest idea who the bands are, and gold scars because there are “flaws worth fighting for”. W the actual F?

On the other hand, I often walk past with a sense that I wish I was cool enough to shop there and look good in the clothes! But once you hit your 30s, places like Topshop kinda seem off-limits. Amiright?

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The Fun Of Driving*

Living in Brighton, I don’t generally tend to drive anywhere any more, it’s a lot more convenient to use public transport because the parking is bloody extortionate. In fact, a lot of friends didn’t even know that I could drive until I wrote my post about being an adult which, if you haven’t read, you can catch up with here.

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Wafflemeister | Brighton*

Wafflemeister is Brighton’s newest (and family-run franchise) delight; selling sweet and savoury waffles and crepes along with a healthy dose of gelato. Situated at the top of West Street, it’s perfect for tourists heading down to the beach or locals wanting to refresh after a hard morning’s shopping.

I went down to the opening to check it out with some other bloggers and press and damn they put on a good spread!

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Match Skin Clinic | Brighton*

Unless it’s escaped your notice, it was my birthday 16 days ago. I turned 32. Yeah, no kidding. According to the consensus, I look like I’m in my late twenties and act like I’m in my early twenties. Except I’m usually in bed at 10:30pm nowadays, not getting ready to go out clubbing. But I still have the fear that one day it’s going to catch up to me and it’ll all go downhill. Fast.

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MOD Pizza ∣ Brighton Marina*

I love Lyndsay (Fizzy Peaches). She invites me to food places. That’s my kind of friend. When she invited me to a blog event to try out the new Mod Pizza at Brighton Marina and I couldn’t say yes fast enough.

I headed down last Monday and met up with Aine (Honestly Aine), Carrie (One Pleasant Day) and Lauren (Belle du Brighton). Once inside, we met Ange and Ryan as well for an evening of fun and food.

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